Thursday, April 23, 2009


Next up we have Sagel (pronounced like "toggle"). I don't even know what to say about this little guy. Seriously, I just wanted to stuff him in my bag and run away.

Sagel is a shih-poo and he has this long, super-soft fur that just screams "cuddle me."

His fur is this unique mixture of black, brown, and orange that looks different depending on the lighting and the angle. Most of the time he followed his mom with his eyes everywhere she went, but every once in a while he showed the camera a little attitude. :)

And sometimes I had to trick him into looking at the camera by stealing his new favorite stick. bwa-ha-ha.

Looking at mom again...

I didn't actually mean to make this black and white but accidentally hit a black and white action button during editing. And I kind of like the high contrast look that it gave.

Thanks for an awesome session, Dannelle!


  1. Wow - what a photogenic dog! Good job on capturing such great photos.
